Wax lube - bicycle chain lube
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يمكن الشمع الحفاظ على السلسلة نظيفة ، بل يقلل أيضًا من الاحتكاك ، مما يجعل نظام النقل فعالاً للغاية هو مادة تشحيم مقاومة للماء تمامًا ، لذلك ستظل متانته دون تغيير حتى في ظروف البيئية المختلفة
طريقة الاستخدام
" يتم استخدامة على السلاسل على جميع انواع الدراجات " الروود، الهجين و الجبلية
- نظف السلسلة جيداً قبل التشحيم
- رش الشمع على السلسلة من مسافة 15-20 سم
- اتركه يجف تماماً
- كرر العملية عند الضرورة لضمان أقصى أداء
شمع التشحيم الجاف عبارة عن مادة تشحيم متسلسلة ذات مقاومة للضغط ومقاومة عالية للماء
- تركيبة فريدة توفر تشحيماً وحماية طويلي الأمد
- يقلل الاحتكاك والتآكل والصدأ
- مقاوم للماء والأتربة
- يجف بسرعة دون أن يترك آثاراً
- آمن على أجزاء الدراجة جميعها
- يساعد الشمع على ابقاء السلسلة نظيفة
- غير قابل للاشتعال
حاصل على شهادة :
Bicycle Chain Lubricant Wax Use it when you want to lubricate your bicycle chain, a bicycle chain
Pneumatics is one of the most important systems that operate in a constantly moving manner, which makes it necessary for you to keep it always in an adapted form
To receive and respond to this continuous movement, because it is not one of the other fixed parts, as it always is
It is directly connected to the transmission unit in mountain and hybrid bikes, which usually consists of several units
There are different speeds, including the 16-speed, and there are also the lowest ones, since the chain is responsible for moving the wheel
The rear wheel by controlling its speed through the gear transmission unit, it is very important that it be lubricated properly
Periodically, there are plenty of reasons why it is likely to be a sluggish performer, if you are diligent in the lubrication process.
By rotating you maintain the high-speed performance needed while saving the effort you'd put in when it's not lubricated
Bybicycle chain lubricant wax, when you use this wax, you make your bicycle chain clean
It is free of dust and dirt that sticks to it semi-permanently, especially with the presence of lubricants, and at the same time it is easy to clean
From its movement, if you do not lubricate the chain , you are exerting a high effort to drive the bike, and thus you see that your bike has become slow
When you drive it too much, it also becomes more susceptible to corrosion due to materials that have reduced the distances between parts
The chain, which has become a part of it, which reduces its performance.
Bicycle chain lubricant always take it with you
One of the fun challenges that you can enjoy is driving your bicycle continuously on different roads such as
Flat and off-road adventurous, than the above your bike chain is exposed
Directly to many things that reduce its performance, which requires you to use lubricating wax on a regular basis even
You get the best possible performance with your favorite bike, and this wax is provided to you by my bike website, which specializes in
Selling bicycles of all kinds, in addition to their equipment and other tools
Also read: Milky Wax Polish Liquid - bicycle wax polish

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