ُTier Liner لاينر لحماية الكفرات.
ُTier Liner لاينر لحماية الكفرات.
ُTier Liner لاينر لحماية الكفرات.
ُTier Liner لاينر لحماية الكفرات.
ُTier Liner لاينر لحماية الكفرات.
ُTier Liner لاينر لحماية الكفرات.

Tier Liner for tire protection

82.00 ريال

شامل الضريبة

the description

العلامة التجارية


رقم الموديل




مادة الصنع



دراجات الرود 


  1. يساعد على حماية حواف العجلات المصنوعة من خليط معدني
  2. سهل الاستخدام
  3.  تصميم عالي الجودة يضمن الاستخدام طويل الأمد 


Liner for tire protection is made of durable and lightweight plastic. The inner lining of the tires allows you to ride safely

By providing a protective barrier between the inner tube and the tire from the inside, which reduces road hazards such as nails

thorns, glass and anything else sharp, the overall weight of the liner is much less than other standard liner thus making

Incredibly superior flat protection coveted by enthusiast riders for its light weight, fits many sizes

From the tyres, the Liner has been reinforced to protect the wheels with a rather advanced and precise technology made of plastic with a solid protective outer layer

And the other inside is soft, i.e. friendly to the tube, for its cushioning and its weight is lighter than the materials of liquid sealants or resistant tubes.

For the spines are easy to install without any additional hardware other than the tools for disassembly, the liner has no materials

Sticky contributes to making the ride smooth and stable all the way, try the lining to see how good it can ride

In any road bike, whether it is a female version or a male version, it does not matter, it just has to be a road bike, don't worry about it

There may be a problem between the liner, rims, and tubes of the bicycle. The liner ends do not overlap with each other

Never, the bumps on the outside of the tire remain behind the edges of the tires as they are when you inflate them, so

We recommend that as soon as you get your favorite bike, you should hurry to get this liner so that you can protect it

The frame is amazingly life-saving in many cases so we highly recommend that you get it if you are

Bicycles are used to save more money and tire repair time.

Liner to protect the tires from the manufacturer

The bicycle inner lining is manufactured by a leading company specializing in the manufacture of linings and tapes

Bicycle handlebars, known to many professional and amateur riders, are Zefal

Known for the high quality of its products because it uses the best and finest manufacturing materials in order to gain the trust of its customers from all over the world

around the world.

Read also: tire tools plastic | A screwdriver or plastic cover spoon to remove the bicycle cover

Liner for tire protection

An insulator to prevent air from escaping from the frame if any object penetrates it

Such as thorns, sharp materials, or broken glass

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