سكوتر كهربائي الذكي - دراجتي للدراجات الهوائية
Smart Electric scooter | سكوتر كهربائي الذكي - دراجتي للدراجات الهوائية
Smart Electric scooter | سكوتر كهربائي الذكي - دراجتي للدراجات الهوائية

Smart electric scooter

1,390.00 ريال

شامل الضريبة

Size: 3.0 amp battery size

3.0 amp battery size
4.0 battery size
3.0 amp battery size

Color: black

the description

العلامة التجارية

mini plus


رقم الموديل



اسود , الابيض

نوع البطارية

lithium battery - ليثيوم ايون

وحدة البطارية

وحدة البطارية بقوة 54  فولت 

قوة المحرك

محرك 400  واط

نظام الفرامل

نظام فرملة مزدوج مزود بفرامل متجددة وأقراص في العجلة الخلفية

نظام الإطارات

 نظام الإطارات الهوائية المقاومة للانزلاق والصدمات لتوفير قيادة سلسة ومريحة. بالإضافة إلى التصميم الخاص لنسيج الإطارات

نظام الإنارات

مزود باستوب خلفي و مصباح الامامي بقوة ضوء تصل الى 400 لومن

زمن الشحن

5 ساعات

اقصي حمولة

222 رطلا

اقصى مسافة

المسافة التي يقطعها 12 ميلا في الساعة حسب الوزن و السرعة التي يحددها الراكب 


  1. متين وقوي: بفضل المحركات المزدوجة القوية بقوة 400 واط
  2. يتميز بالتصميم الدقيق و الامن
  3. سهولة حملة
  4. خفيف الوزن حتى يعطي اداء يمتاز بالسرعة و جعلها اكثر مثالية لتخدم احتياجات المستخدمين


The smart electric scooter represents the best options thatscooters provide you with in order to enjoy your time with friends

And the family when you go out for recreational trips, and you can also use it as a means of delivery to your destinations that you want to reach

To it, it provides you with a fun and effective time full of vitality and activity, the Mini Plus company that developed the scooter was able to adopt

Metal material which is light in weight and at the same time offers high durability, the smart electric scooter comes with a motor

Powerful with a power of 400 watts, the developer team was able to create an elegant and beautiful design and pay attention to the smallest details,

Simply put, it represents the excellent speed, power, and impressive prestige that is evident while driving on the roads

The exterior is suitable for most of the fun and adventurous users. It provides a unique driving experience that can travel

It crosses it in various places because of the durability and flexibility of its frame and the distances it travels are very long, but the distance

The track is determined by other things such as the weight of the driver as well as the speed at which he is driving, in case the driver's weight is large

The distance traveled decreases gradually, but if the weight is light, the distance may reach 12 miles per hour, a difference

Weights between people directly affect energy consumption, and therefore the distances traveled vary.

Smart battery electric scooter

Lithium-ion was used when developing the battery for the smart scooter because of its ability to store electrical energy when it is powered off

Shipped and the team involved in the development of the scooter to rely on lithium ions after they studied a number of factors

Such as speed, weight, and optimal use, because they directly affect the distance traveled, since the battery usually

It consists of an anode and a cathode made of aluminum material. Many chemical reactions occur in the cathode, which generates a cathode

High thermal energy so it is always covered with a special membrane made of ceramics that works to prevent ignition

The electric cell because of its high ability to withstand high temperatures of up to seven hundred degrees Celsius, for this reason

Mini Plus adopts safe lithium ion and at the same time it is light in weight.

Read also: DIDO Electric Scooter 36V | Dido electric scooter

Smart electric scooter

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