Milky Wax Polish Liquid - واكس ملمع للدراجات الهوائية - دراجتي للدراجات الهوائية
Milky Wax Polish Liquid - واكس ملمع للدراجات الهوائية - دراجتي للدراجات الهوائية

Milky Wax Polish Liquid - Bicycle polish wax

48.00 ر.س

شامل الضريبة

the description

العلامة التجارية

Dr . CHEM+ -  دي ار كيم

رقم الموديل




  • عبوة بحجم 50 ملي



  • يتم استخدامة للتنظيف والتلميع البسيط بعد استخدام الدراجات كمركبات أو في البيئات الموحلة

طريقة الاستخدام


  • ينصح بتنظيف الدراجة جيداً قبل استخدام الواكس للحصول على أفضل النتائج.
  • يهز العبوة جيداً قبل الاستخدام.
  • يوزع الواكس باليد أو باستخدام قطعة قماش ناعمة ونظيفة على سطح الدراجة بحركات دائرية.
  • يترك ليجف تماماً لمدة 5-10 دقائق ثم يلمع باستخدام قطعة قماش جافة ونظيفة.


  1. منظف و ملمع للدراجة الهوائية
  2. يمكن استخدامه لجميع انواع الدراجات
  3. يدمج الوظائف الثلاث للتنظيف والتلميع والحماية
  4. يعمل على إزالة الأوساخ و الأتربة بسرعة فائقة
  5. غير قابل للاشتعال


حاصل على شهادة :

  1. SGS
  2. MSDS
  3. ROHS


Bicycle Polish Wax Put it on the bike and pass a piece of cloth on it to get a shiny bike

And elegant, just ride your bike on the road you want to ride on whether you are alone or with friends

You roam the city streets through excursions full of adventure and excitement, and you don't care about stains and dirt

that stick to your bikes of any kind, after you've finished your excursions or want to take a break

From comfort after you travel long distances with your bicycles, never worry about this stain and dirt

You can make it shiny and bright again by waxing bicycles manufactured in a special way

To add shine, after you have polished the bikes, you can continue your adventurous journeys until you reach the

Your destinations that you specified in advance, with this gloss that is provided to you by the My Bike website, which specializes in selling bicycles

In addition to the tools and equipment for these bikes, you do not cost yourself much to search for it, just enter the site

and choose your orders.

Bicycle wax wax

In order to provide a material through which you can ensure the protection of your favorite bicycle, whatever its type, it must be

Those involved in the manufacture of bicycles work to provide such materials, which are of paramount importance and necessary at the same time

time, and this is what the company was able to do. Kim manufacturer of this polish, the manufacturer made sure to use

Wax in the manufacture of this polish in order to provide the necessary shine for the bikes thanks to the properties of the wax,

The chemical composition of the wax makes it very suitable for use onbicycle surfaces by providing a waxy layer

on the surface, thus making your bike unique due to its shining luster, visible from immeasurable distances

In short, this lotion can also be used with water to clean the bike in addition to the protection it provides

It provides it, so it is very necessary that you buy this lotion and put it among the basic equipment of your bicycle

So you can use it anytime you want.

Also read: Helmet & Shoes and Glove Sanitiser - Helmet sterilizer and disinfectant

Bicycle polishing wax

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