Knda Bicycle Tubes | لستك للدراجة الهوائية - دراجتي للدراجات الهوائية
Knda Bicycle Tubes | لستك للدراجة الهوائية - دراجتي للدراجات الهوائية
Knda Bicycle Tubes | لستك للدراجة الهوائية - دراجتي للدراجات الهوائية
Knda Bicycle Tubes | لستك للدراجة الهوائية - دراجتي للدراجات الهوائية

Canada Bicycle Tubes | You are not a bicycle

18.00 ريال

شامل الضريبة

Size: 12x1.95

29 x 2.1/40mm
27.5x2.25/ 35mm
the description

العلامة التجارية

kenda- كندا

رقم الموديل




مادة الصنع

مطاط بوتيل عالي الجودة


احجام متعددة

نوع الصمام

توفر الشركة كل من 

شريدر - schrader vale

بريستا- presta valve


خيار الامثل لدراجات المختلفة الرود، الهجين الجبليو

درجات المتانة

تصميم قوي و متين يدوم لوقت اطول وأداء فائق عند السرعات العالية

محتويات العبوة

عدد 1 لستك كيندا 


  1. تلبي مجموعة لساتك كندا   متطلبات القيادة للدراجين الذين يرغبون بقيادة دراجتهم بسرعات مختلفة وثبات عالي
  2. بفضل التصميم المميز ترتقي إطارات  كندا الى اعلى مستويات الراحة و الامان
  3. لستك عالي الجودة مصنوع من مطاط البوتيل
  4. تصميم مرن وقوي يدوم لوقت اطول
  5. يمكن الاعتماد عليها في  الأحوال  المختلفة، سواء كنت ترغب باستخدام لساتك فهي توفر عمراً أطول وتماسكاً فائقاً  تلائم جميع الظروف الجوية.


The bicycle elastic comes with different standard valves of the two types Schrader and Presta, which are the most common types of valves

The available one is currently known in the market that is used in bicycles, and they are also used by a frame

Cars and motorcycles, what distinguishes the valves included in the gasket is that it is characterized by high performance in various applications

Roads no matter how conditions or environment change thanks to the built-in valve lock so that you can turn it and open it during or before inflation,

In order to distinguish the valve type, there are two letters, the letter “S” stands for Schrader valve, while the letter “P” stands for Presta valve.

The difference between the two valves is Schrader valves, which are short and strong, while Presta valves are characterized by high performance

And the excellent thing is, when you purchase this tube, it is very likely that you will find it completely shrunken

Improper packaging and installation conditions, so you will adjust the tube once you fill it with air, and before you think about

Buying it, you have to make sure that it fits your bike tire, so you have to check the tire size through the tags

Which is written on one of its sides, where you see two numbers separated by an X. The first number indicates the diameter of the overall tire either

The second number means the general width of the tire. Based on this information, select the tube that has the same diameter as the tire

Explained exactly Sometimes you are given more than one option, that is, within a specific range written that the tube should not be

Contrary to the instructions written on the packaging, no matter what.

You are not a bicycle rider. Additional information

In the end, you should usually choose the standard tube or the self-sealing tube

The standard tubes are fine in most driving conditions, but the self-sealing tubes contain an anti-leakage material

The inside provides an extra flat layer of protection by instantly filling holes within certain limits, which is unique to Latex

For the bicycle is that it provides the two types of tubes, so you are free to buy it according to your desire and your own estimates.

Read also: Kenda Bicycles Tiers | Canada bike covers

You are not a bicycle

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