قفازات تلوث رصاصية - grey lot gloves - دراجتي للدراجات الهوائية
قفازات تلوث رصاصية - grey lot gloves - دراجتي للدراجات الهوائية

Lead pollution gloves

48.00 ريال

شامل الضريبة

Size: M

the description

العلامة التجارية

لوت - LOT




75% نايلون

10% بوليستر

10% إلستين

فئة الرياضة

ركوب الدراجات ، الجري ، القيادة ، المشي لمسافات طويلة 


رجال ، نساء


تصميم  عالي الجودة لضمان راحة اليد وأطراف الأصابع فائقة اللزوجة لقبضة مقاومة للانزلاق


  1. قفازات مبطنة لركوب الدراجات
  2. تم تجهيزها ببطانة خاصة تساعد على تقليل تنميل اليدين من خلال تحسين الدورة الدموية ومعادلة الضغط في الأنسجة الرخوة في اليد
  3. سهلة الارتداء و الخلع
  4. تنفس مرن للاستخدام طوال اليوم


Cut-out fingerless lead contamination gloves made of breathable fabric come in special comfort fit

The person who wears it feels perfectly suitable, whether this person is a man or a woman. It is suitable for both sexes.

It uses high-quality materials that are flexible at the same time, thanks to its perfectly woven mesh fabric

Allowing a large amount of air to circulate inside the glove which helps you cool your hand, the fabric has been installed from a combination

A variety of materials such as nylon, which is estimated at seventy-five percent, and polyester, about ten percent

In addition to the use of elastane by ten percent, all of the previous materials are considered the fabric used in the glove industry

It mainly works to prevent fingers from slipping while riding a bicycle by holding it from its handlebars, especially if

It was driving on different roads, both rugged and off-road. To install it on the hand, it comes with a strong and flexible strap when it is installed

It leads tightly to your wrist, which provides you with the possibility of straightening and relaxing your hands without facing any difficulty or suffering when

Doing your favorite hobby of cycling, when you wear it you will get

Unique and stunning look, nicely cushioned interior and comfortable cyclist's hands through the prepared interior pads

To bear all the shocks that the leader is exposed to while gripping the bicycle handlebar, and it also works to mitigate the shock

The pain and numbness that occurs as a result of the continuous grip by means of the shock absorption technique

Bullet contamination gloves. Lock tight

The Lotte company, which produces gloves, provided a special department concerned with its development with a unique technology. It is worth mentioning here that

The company produces many other products for bicycles and cyclists, such as shorts and T-shirts

Different for both sexes, the gloves come with a pull tab that helps the glove to be quickly put on and taken off with ease

Any complication, thanks to its unique design, is suitable for many people, both men and women.

Read also: cozon gloves Comfortable cycling gloves

Lead contamination gloves

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