سكيت بورد كهربائي - دراجتي للدراجات الهوائية
Electric skateboard, 36V250W | سكيت بورد كهربائي - دراجتي للدراجات الهوائية
Electric skateboard, 36V250W | سكيت بورد كهربائي - دراجتي للدراجات الهوائية
Electric skateboard, 36V250W | سكيت بورد كهربائي - دراجتي للدراجات الهوائية
Electric skateboard, 36V250W | سكيت بورد كهربائي - دراجتي للدراجات الهوائية

Electric Skateboard

858.00 ريال

شامل الضريبة

the description

العلامة التجارية


رقم الموديل




نوع البطارية

lithium battery - ليثيوم ايون

وحدة البطارية

وحدة البطارية بقوة 36 فولت 

قوة المحرك

قوة محرك تصل الى 500 واط

نظام التحكم

ريموت كنترول - Remote control

نظام الإطارات

 نظام الإطارات مقاوم  للانزلاق والصدمات

نظام التشغيل

مزود بنظام تشغيل سريع و بطئ

اقصى حمولة

200 \ كيلو


يقطع مسافة تصل الى 36 كيلو في ساعة حسب السرعة و الوزن

محتويات العبوة

  1. سكيت بورد صغير
  2. شاحن سكيت بورد
  3. وصلة usb للريموت كنترول
  4. ريموت كنترول
  5. دليل المستخدم




  1. يتيح لك سكيت دايدو الوصول الى وجهتك بكل سهولة و سرعة بفضل نظام التحرك عن بعد
  2. يمثل سكيت بورد  دايدو الوسيلة الامثل للترفية
  3. يتميز بالتصميم الدقيق و الامن
  4. سهولة حملة
  5. خفيف الوزن حتى يعطي اداء يمتاز بالسرعة و جعلها اكثر مثالية لتخدم احتياجات المستخدمين



Electric skateboard manufactured by Daedo Company. The overall design is strong, unique and modular, suitable for everyone who loves to have fun

In the fun and adventurous nature of driving this electric skateboard, complete freedom for anyone who wants to

To be transported in the various places of entertainment known to him, the frame of the skate is characterized by the strength and flexibility that allows you to cut

Very long distances, what really distinguishes the skate is its high speed and amazing power that allows it to provide the best performance

Possibly, the developers of this skate were able to provide a detailed design that offers a unique high strength by backing it with a motor

Its maximum power reaches 500 watts, which makes the motor travel the longest possible distances, which may reach 36 km.

meters per hour, the permissible load is up to 200 kg as the maximum possible load, thus making it convenient

For many people, whether old or young, as a result of carrying heavy weights, we have to mention one thing, which is the distance

Which skeet crosses directly affects the weight of the driving person in addition to the driving speed as well, we have to explain

The matter is more broadly in the event that the weight of the leader is large, the distance that the skeet travels will gradually decrease either

In the event that the weight of the leader is less than the first, the distance traveled becomes longer, and it becomes clear to us that the difference in weights between

People directly affect battery consumption and speed, so the mileage difference is just as inevitable

As we explained earlier, we have to point out the advantage of the framework, which is its ability to adapt to respond to various conditions

The driving is carried out by the skate, the driving is done through a remote control and the movement is very smooth when it is on the road, which makes it easy to drive

It makes Hamas at a high level, so enjoying your time is imperative and wonderful, especially in recreational places with

family and friends.

Battery electric skateboard

The battery is adopted by Daedo, which is mainly composed of lithium-ion, which is distinguished by its capacity

To store electrical energy for as long as possible without worrying about the battery at all.

Read also: Electric skateboard , | Small skateboard

Electric Skateboard

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