Electric skateboard, | سكيت بورد صغير - دراجتي للدراجات الهوائية
Electric skateboard, | سكيت بورد صغير - دراجتي للدراجات الهوائية
Electric skateboard, | سكيت بورد صغير - دراجتي للدراجات الهوائية
Electric skateboard, | سكيت بورد صغير - دراجتي للدراجات الهوائية
Electric skateboard, | سكيت بورد صغير - دراجتي للدراجات الهوائية

Small skateboard

548.00 ريال

شامل الضريبة

the description

العلامة التجارية


رقم الموديل




نوع البطارية

lithium battery - ليثيوم ايون

وحدة البطارية

وحدة البطارية بقوة 24 فولت 

قوة المحرك

محرك 150 واط

نظام التحكم

ريموت كنترول - Remote control

نظام الإطارات

 نظام الإطارات مقاوم  للانزلاق والصدمات

نظام التشغيل

مزود بنظام تشغيل سريع و بطئ

اقصى حمولة

120 \ كيلو


يقطع مسافة تصل الى 20 كيلو في ساعة حسب السرعة و الوزن

محتويات العبوة

  1. سكيت بورد
  2. شاحن سكيت بورد
  3. ريموت كنترول
  4. وصلة شحن للريموت
  5. دليل المستخدم




  1.  يتيح لك سكيت دايدو الوصول الى وجهتك بكل سهولة و سرعة بفضل نظام التحرك عن بعد
  2. يمثل سكيت بورد  دايدو الوسيلة الامثل للترفية
  3. يتميز بالتصميم الدقيق و الامن
  4. سهولة حملة
  5. خفيف الوزن حتى يعطي اداء يمتاز بالسرعة  لتخدم احتياجات المستخدمين
  6. سكيت دايدو  يتميز  بالحركة الإنسيابية والانزلاق جانبيا في شوارع المدينة المسطحة


A small skateboard is one of the most important innovations produced by Dido, which is unique in its shape and unique in its kind

Through its small shape, the skate allows you to ride it on the atmosphere that is characterized by an adventurous and fun nature at the same time,

The team concerned with developing it within the company was able to provide a unique design that suits the cheerful youth through a production plan

Thoughtful, clear and detailed, it even delivers high performance with its built-in motor and mini skateboard

With a motor that has a power of 150 watts, which allows you to travel very long distances, perhaps up to about 20 kilometers per hour

The watch, you can go out with it in a place, whether it is for entertainment with the family or as a group with your friends in your places

My favourite, the Mini Skateboard Frame features two main things: strength and flexibility, allowing you to cover incredible distances

In short, the load that the skateboard can bear is about 120 kilograms as the maximum allowable load. This

The load is suitable and suitable for young people only within the limits of this load, and to achieve the specific speed and distance of the skate is governed by many factors

Factors, especially the weight factor, play a big role in the distance traveled, and therefore the effect appears on battery consumption, for example

If the person driving the skateboard weighs about ninety kilograms, the distance he travels becomes short

Compared to a person who weighs about fifty kilograms with all other factors constant except for speed, which also varies

Depending on the weight, the skateboard is driven by a remote control so that you can control it in a smooth manner

And simple without any complication mentioned on the road, so your enthusiasm becomes at the top and you feel the pleasure of your wonderful time, the skateboard frame

It is characterized by adapting to various roads and conditions.

Small battery skateboard

The development team assigned by Daedo to develop this board worked on manufacturing a battery consisting of lithium ions

It is well-known for its ability to store energy and retain it for long periods, and at the same time it is very safe.

This is an excellent choice by the developer team

Read also: Electric skateboard, 36V250W | Electric Skateboard

Small skateboard

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