Cozon protection dustproof cycling face mask | Dust and virus protection mask
شامل الضريبة
العلامة لتجارية
رقم الموديل
مادة الصنع
الاسفنج و النسيج القطني
ازرق مع الرصاصي
مناسب للرجال و النساء و لركوب الدراجات
- خفيف الوزن و غطاء مريح و مسامي جيد
- مناسب للاستخدام في جميع المناخات
- صممت بشكل قابل للتعديل و باذن معلقة
- قابلة لاعادة الاستخدام و قابلة للغسل
- حواف المنتج مغلفة بضغوط متعددة لجعل العنصر قويًا ومتينًا
A protection mask from dust and viruses, through which you will be able to go out to your favorite rides at a destination you want through it
Your bicycle because you will get clean and fresh air without any pollution, including viruses in
Mostly being mixed with the air comes included in it really beautiful and effective technology, your destinations mostly become either in
Within the countryside known for its supreme tranquility and scenic landscapes with little movement unencumbered by greenery
Natural places, or these places may be within your unique and wonderful city, with its permanent movement and its masterpiece architecture,
The mask works to filter the air from many viruses that are usually mixed with the air so that the purification is
In a neat and elegant way, a dust and virus protection mask was made by a well-established and pioneering company specializing in
Producing and developing all types of bicycles such as mountain, sports and road bikes, in addition to children's bicycles
Also, other products such as tools and equipment, especially various sportswear for people of both sexes
Specific to cycling in general, clothing is represented by T-shirts, various shorts, and simply masks as well
This company is Kozon that goes without saying, the mask is made to enable many people even those who don't have one
A relationship with cycling that suits them perfectly. Suitable for anyone who loves to go out in the open air, especially places
which are permanently polluted
Use a dust and virus protection mask
What distinguishes The Cozon brand is really interested in everything related to cycling, literally, so it was able to manufacture
A mask with very unique specifications. The department concerned with developing the mask was keen to collect sufficient information to give the mask
Its special advantages after they studied and analyzed the manufacturing needs according to the available data and information
They presented these results to the experts within the company to put their own touches in order to achieve the main purpose of production
Mask composed mainly of cotton and sponge.
Also read: Cozon protection dustproof cycling face mask | Dust and virus protection mask